ivan kirkov comedian

Is there stand up comedy in Bulgaria

ivan kirkov comedianStand up comedy in Bulgaria is having a significant growth in the past few years. The main producer company responsible for that is comedy.bg. It produced the First Comedy Festival Sofia and Comedy Fest 2.0 which were huge successes. During those festivals they worked with people such as Katerina Vrana, Daliso Chaponda, Ola the Comedian, Marina Orsag and many other who are also some of the best from their countries. Comedy.bg is also organizing the shows are household names like Jimmy Carr and Dylan Moran, whose shows are due in 2016.
The Comedy.bg comedians are doing about 100 shows in between them each year in Bulgarian language. Some of them being nerd humor, black comedy shows, roasts, open mics, sex comedy. And all of this done in the last few years. Bulgaria has certainly appeared on the world stand up comedy map. However if you’re looking for English speaking stand up comedy in Bulgaria there are shows frequently and you can always check the comedy.bg website or facebook page.

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