If you asked the same question three years ago, the answer would have been no. But now it is a different story. Stand up comedy in the past few years has grown in a major way. Not a coincidence, since the creation of comedy.bg – the biggest stand up producing company in Bulgaria. Just in the span of the last one year there has been two extremely successful festivals, with comedians from all over Europe, including one of the best from England and even Malawi. And in 2016 names such as Dylan Moran and Jimmy Carr are going to perform here in Bulgaria all thanks to comedy.bg. Apart from all that the Bulgarian comedians have come a long way in the past few years too. Their material got much larger, they started doing themed events like nerd shows, black comedy nights, roasts, open mics. The best Bulgarians – Ivan Kirkov, Vasil Nozharov and Nikolay Bankov you can watch every week.

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