Category: Stand up Bulgaria

ivan kirkov comedian

Is there stand up comedy in Bulgaria

Stand up comedy in Bulgaria is having a significant growth in the past few years. The main producer company responsible for that is It produced the First Comedy Festival Sofia and Comedy Fest 2.0 which were huge successes. During those festivals they worked with people such as Katerina Vrana, Daliso Chaponda, Ola the Comedian, Marina Orsag and many other…

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open mic sofia stand up

Open Mic in Sofia

Open mic is a stand up type of comedy for any amateur comedian that wants to become a pro, or just has a funny story to tell. Open mic events in Sofia are produced by The main producer and MC of the shows is Ivan Kirkov, who is one of the best comedians in Bulgaria. He has also organised…

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stand up comedy in Sofia Bulgaria

Stand up comedy scene in Bulgaria

Stand up comedy in Bulgaria started being developed in the recent years. The main company that does it is The owner- Ivan Kirkov is the producer that is behind events such as The First Comedy Festival Sofia and Comedy Fest 2.0. developed an international network with it’s neighbour and surrounding countries from these festivals. Ivan Kirkov has also…

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